Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wake up in the morning feelin' like...

...a marketing coordinator. I love my job, I really do. I get to work with some solid people doing things I'm good at. But no matter the joys of employment, there is always that moment right after my alarm goes off and I consider giving the whole day a good ole college try...and not getting out of bed. During that 30 seconds of indecision I'll think many thoughts, the first of which being, "What day is it?" I've created this handy chart to help you determine the follow-up thought process:
    • This weekend was fun/exhausting/productive/lazy...no one would blame me for staying in bed.
    • General mood: depends on the weather.
    • It's only Tuesday? How/why?
    • General mood: pep talk necessary to move at an above-glacial pace.
    • HUMP DAY, but not till the day is over.
    • General mood: optimistic...already thinking about the weekend.
    • Today's like Friday's pregame. I can do this.
    • General mood: sassy. Let's do this.
    • Wow, the week really flew by.
    • General mood: content.
After that initial calendartastic internal monologue, my feet hit the floor and there's no turning back.

Like I said, I like my job...it's waking up that's hard to do.
As promised, it's time for another recipe share time! This weekend I made Buffalo Chicken Rolls, and whenever I make these, I make them in bulk because they are delish when you first make them, but are even better reheated or eaten cold the next day.


The recipe makes 12. This is a good number, just keep in mind that there are only about 100 calories per roll, so eating 3-4 isn't gluttony, it's living.

Here's what you need from the store:

  • 12 egg roll wrappers (Every single time I go to buy these, I forget where they are in the store. Check in the produce section. If they're not there, just ask someone...trust me.)
  • 1 cup cooked and shredded chicken (6 ounces)
  • 1/2-2/3 cups hot sauce (flavor to your desired level of hotitude)
  • 1 cup crumbled blue cheese (I usually use more...and I snack on it while making them, so I always just plan ahead.)
  • 1 cup broccoli slaw or cole slaw (dry)
Here's what you do!
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lay egg roll wrappers on a clean work surface. (This takes up a lot of room, so clear off a few counters and prepare to take over your kitchen.)
  2. In a small bowl, stir chicken and hot sauce until well coated, using more or less sauce depending on your spice preference. The meat should be moist with sauce. (The word 'moist' doesn't usually bother me, but for some reason it does in this scenario.)
  3. Begin by placing one tablespoon of the broccoli slaw on the diagonal of the bottom right corner of the wrappers. Next, place 2 tablespoons of shredded spicy chicken evenly on top of the slaw. Spoon 1 tablespoon of the blue cheese crumbles over the chicken. (All of these measurements are subjective...just eyeball it and spread out your ingredients until they're all gone, just DO NOT OVERFILL THE WRAPS, because then they'll tear and you'll have made a whole mess of things.)
  4. To fold: (OK, this is where the recipe turns a simple thing like folding an egg roll into freaking origami. Have you ever been to Chipotle? You know how they fold their burritos? Do that and to seal the deal, wet your finger in a small bowl of water and use that to seal the final corner to the rest of the roll. For you folding wizards out there, I'll include their lengthy instructions...) Fold the bottom right corner over the stuffing miter so that it covers it completely, with the tip of the corner now pointing to the center of the egg roll wrapper. Fold in the bottom left corner, followed by the right, so that you have now formed an envelope. Roll the wrap upward one time, leaving the top left corner open. Wet your index finger in a small bowl of water and press to moisten the top left corner. Now fold that down on top of the filled roll, sealing it like you would an envelope.
  5. Repeat with remaining rolls.
  6. Place the rolls on a greased cookie sheet. Spritz each roll evenly with nonstick cooking spray. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the rolls crisp and turn a light golden brown.
Here's their final product. Mine looked like this too, sans plate because I eat them standing up in the kitchen.


1 comment:

  1. Laura I am going to make those for sure. They look good enough to give me the courage to ask the dudes at the store where to find the egg roll wraps.
